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"There’s a real art to delivering a balanced story that is at once based in death and danger and, at times, some all-out explosive mayhem, and yet still being able to say that story is so warm and sweet and touching."
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Months after the Ahedrian murders, Emery Luple’s back in Seattle living his normal life. Which is anything but normal. As an incarnate—an urban legend come to life—his day job is to debunk the very existence of his kind to keep them safe from the world at large.
So when he’s contacted to debunk a legend about a gateway to the underworld in a local cemetery, Emery never stops to consider he might be in over his head. He’s more concerned with trying to keep date night plans with Caden, while contending with the return of ancient enemies, his own unpredictable powers, and incarnate abductions.
But people start dying, and Emery and those he loves are in danger. As events begin to snowball out of control, he realizes he’ll need to find a solution—or at least a loophole—to save Caden and himself from horrible deaths.

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